
Spam creates challenges for the smoother functioning of the operations. Whether it is the spam comments on your website or bots trying to circumvent the restrictions that you have placed on the orders, spam software tends to create situations that online businesses would want to avoid via Captcha.

Having Captcha system in place that differentiates between human users and spam robots helps to reduce the spam on your website. According to a research, humans have about 80 % of success rate at solving a CAPTCHA, while in the case of machines it is only around 0.01 %. Hence Captcha is one of the more effective ways of countering spam.

Secure your website from Spam or Hacking

Spam can affect the operations of a business in multiple ways. Seeking the opinions of the customers through polls is one of the best ways to get the feedback and ascertain the tastes and preferences of the users. Spam software can jeopardize this attempt by repeatedly voting for any of the options and skewing the results.

Using automated software, people can create multiple free accounts that would affect the resources of the business. Ticket scalpers can purchase bulk tickets of events which are then traded illegally. Furthermore, blogs or online stores having message boards face the challenge of receiving spam messages and comments, which does result in genuine messages being lost.

All these challenges can be overcome by the application of CAPTCHA. It determines whether a user is real or a spam bot. It stretches or manipulates letters and numbers and relies on human ability to determine the symbols. The internet & computer are made up of unique coding language and find it difficult to understand languages owing to the intricate rules of human language. Hence a spam bot or software cannot solve CAPTCHA.

Innovate solutions to counter developments in Spam technologies

While CAPTCHA is safe for the most part, hackers and cybercriminals take advantage of advancements in technology to find ways in circumventing security. Our CAPTCHA solutions offer varied options which are aimed at making CAPTCHA more secure.

Randomly distorted images as part of secure images can cut down the automated attacks and are hard to interpret for bots. We generate unique CAPTCHA codes that vary from site to site so that the hackers would not be able to create a bot that can interpret any trends. Our CAPTCHA solutions are secure even at the script level and prevent the bots from reading or understanding them.

Secure your online site now!!

Prevent spamming

Reduce the clutter on message boards

Prevent rigging of online polls

Secure against potential hackers and viruses

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